Against the Current perform at Block by Blockwest
On Saturday 15th May 2020 Against the Current took to the virtual Ski Lodge stage (two) at Block By Blockwest, a virtual music festival set up to raise funds for COVID-19 releif and fill the gap caused by cancelled concerts. ATC’s 20 minute set included popular songs such as Voices, Running With The Wild Things, Strangers Again, Gravity and Wasteland.

Following the set VIP donators got the chance to attend a live Q&A session with Chrissy, Will and Dan where they answered fans questions along with chatting about general life. Fans where eager to hear more about the plans for “ATC3” which the band confirmed would contain guitars, various instruments and vocal stylings. They also discussed how they are able to utalise technology to continue composting and writing music virtually with software such as Splice and Zoom. Chrissy also confirmed that she would love for an official Against the Current discord server with her passing the task onto “tech wizard” Dan to look into. Below are some highlights from the Q&A
What was it like recording the set for the fest?
Dan: It was pretty fun, We are just working on new music at the moment in our time off so its pretty boring other than that. So its fun to get to do something like that. We record a lot of shows to listen back and improve so we had some stockpile to use.
Which country would you like to live in for one year and why?
Chrissy: Either the UK or Japan because I like the UK and I am learning Japanese so I feel that would really help. Or Italy but I would get so fat, I would eat so much pasta every day.
Do you play Animal Crossing? Dan: I do not play Animal Crossing
Will: I jumped off the deep end into Animal Crossing mid quarantine. I was in NY at my parents’ house, my mom has a switch I don’t have a switch. I was really into it it was really cool I got a life inside the switch as I dont have a life outside. Then I came back home and I don’t have a switch but my girlfriend does so I moved onto her island and watch her play.
Which Album/Tour has been your favourite?
Will: Probably Past Lives
Dan: Yeah
Will: Umm no actually maybe Gravity
Chrissy: I was going to say Gravity, It was one of the first times we experienced so many places so it was like magical
Will: It was really like wow this can actually like happen
Chrissy: We where like Harry Potter in diagon alley for the first time
Do you play Minecraft?
Chrissy: I used to like a long time ago on Xbox
Dan: I tried the other day for the first time, I hosted a little realm Jordan’s still playing in it but i’ve not signed back in since creating the realm
Chrissy: My brother and his friend have a Minecraft world that they have passively played and go into once in a while, Its been years so its unbelievably massive
What was it like doing a virtual set?
Will: It was pretty cool
Chrissy: A lot easier
Will: Yeah sitting back and relaxing on the couch and letting it rip
Chrissy: I didn’t even sweat
Will: Dry AF
What is your favourite British food?
Will: A good Sunday roast
Dan: Yeah something from spoons
Will: At Tesco they have these little cherry bakewells and the’re gluten-free, those are lit.
Chrissy: They are so British. They make them on the great British baking show
How are you guys handling haircuts during lockdown?
Will: My hair looks good thanks for asking, you know its tough I know everyone’s out there like do I cut my own hair? I dont know Iv’e been doing pretty good with the at-home-bar, Looking clean but I’m feeling for all my homies out there you know with the roots.
What do you think about another acoustic concert?
Dan: Another acoustic concert yeah would be fun. That one in London a few years ago was a lot of fun.
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